I could name a few of such symptoms - low self esteem, anger, hatred, judgmental, feeling victimised, feeling sorry for ourselves, be a martyr blindly, feeling absolutely superior of self to the effect of seeing others as minions to do our bidding, and many more. Perhaps, we feel that we are right, whilst the whole family, community and world is at war with us. Feeling sorry for ourselves and blaming everyone around us for our financial situation, for that hard-to-find-someone to love and share lour life with, or perhaps going no where with our careers? Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
I believe strongly that as the physical body need the proper food to upkeep and heal itself, so do our mind and psyche. So what shall we consume? Any natural remedies?
Hmm... to me, nothing is more natural than having a really look good look into our selves. A generous dose honesty and bravery is required. In my experience, having the courage of honesty in spirit, in thoughts, in words, in conduct is a massive step forward for me to look at myself and truly understand where i came from and where i intend to head to. Am i embodying the right philosophy and psychology of mind and soul to make the right choices in thoughts, words and actions?
I would ask myself, am I choosing to wallow in the negativity or is there a better way out? is my current state of mind going in circle and wallowing in negative thoughts? This will only serve to take me into a downward spiral. Now, how do i make that first step to go up an upward spiral instead? Perhaps see and understand situations, people and such from a different perspective, with larger all-inclusive lenses? Do I have my set of belief system that is stopping me from understanding other situations and people better? Would I harm myself or others by seeing and understanding things from another perspective? Will I grow positively as a person?
I find that these questions and more have certainly brought about great leaps in the way I am able to see and understand myself, others and the world around me. This has certainly helped to make me see life as the greatest adventure I could ever embark on. Now I ask myself, do I want to have positive experience or do i want to 'go to hell,' literally?
Every experience and moment has been hugely and positively different since I am learning to see and appreciate things in new ways. I found out that there is no short-cuts. No spectacles to wear, no books to read, no garment to put on to have that 'better wisdom' instantly. A lot of hard work in evaluating and understanding myself, watching my own thoughts, words and actions. Hard work yes, but darn exciting too! The light at the end of the tunnel? Well maybe not yet in sight but i could at least feel the glow in my heart that comes from that light!
I am further encouraged that eventually how I think and perceive affects the world I create around me. I am certainly going to create wonderful, joyful, positively great experiences.... that is for sure.
My lecturer once asked, "What would I want to be written on my tombstone?" - knowing this will definitely make our destination and journey clearer... I am still writing mine. How about yours?